Linde PLC

Lobbying Transparency

Overall Transparency Score: 60 (Aligned)

Direct Lobbying Transparency
Area Transparency Score
Direct Policy Lobbying Linde PLC has clearly specified the policies being lobbied, including the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, regulatory frameworks and legislation for clean hydrogen, carbon oxide sequestration credit scheme (Section 45Q), and EU Renewable Energy Directive. 60
Lobbying Mechanism Linde PLC has disclosed both the specific lobbying mechanisms (advocacy, engagement with political decision-makers, dialogue) and the target entities (U.S. Congress, EU Commission, EU Member States). 53
Policy Outcomes Sought Linde PLC has outlined the government policy outcomes it aims to achieve through its lobbying efforts, such as favorable conditions for clean hydrogen, production and investment tax credits for clean hydrogen, and carbon capture, as well as the promotion and increased use of clean hydrogen in the EU. 66
Trade Association Lobbying Transparency
Area Transparency Score
Trade Association Influence Linde PLC has provided some detail on how they are trying to influence the policy of the trade associations, including public promotion of their positions, but lacks specific details on the outcomes sought or the mechanisms used. 58
Trade Association lobbying consistency Linde PLC has described its broad consistency with the trade associations' policy lobbying positions and has provided details on its consistency with multiple trade associations' lobbying positions. 60
Trade Association policy lobbying Linde PLC has disclosed the trade associations' lobbying positions, including their support for greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050 and the Paris Climate Agreement. However, they have not detailed specific policy or legislative outcomes the trade associations sought to influence. 51
Lobbying Governance
Area Transparency Score
Good Lobbying Governance Linde PLC has disclosed a detailed governance process for ensuring alignment of its direct and indirect climate lobbying. The company has outlined the roles and responsibilities of various departments and individuals, including the Chief Compliance Officer, Vice President of Sustainability, and General Counsel. The process includes regular reporting, coordination, and oversight mechanisms to ensure consistency with the company's sustainability strategy and targets aligned with the Paris Agreement. 75
Good Lobbying Governance Linde PLC has disclosed a detailed governance process for ensuring alignment of its direct and indirect climate lobbying. The company has outlined the roles and responsibilities of various departments and individuals, including the Chief Compliance Officer, Vice President of Sustainability, and General Counsel. The process includes regular reporting, coordination, and oversight mechanisms to ensure consistency with the company's sustainability strategy and targets aligned with the Paris Agreement. 75
Good Lobbying Governance Linde PLC has disclosed a detailed governance process for ensuring alignment of its direct and indirect climate lobbying. The company has outlined the roles and responsibilities of various departments and individuals, including the Chief Compliance Officer, Vice President of Sustainability, and General Counsel. The process includes regular reporting, coordination, and oversight mechanisms to ensure consistency with the company's sustainability strategy and targets aligned with the Paris Agreement. 75
Disclosure Inconsistencies
Category Public Statement Inconsistency