Lobbying Transparency

Overall Transparency Score: 85 (Aligned)

Direct Lobbying Transparency
Area Transparency Score
Direct Policy Lobbying BP has clearly specified the policies being lobbied, including the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation, Sustainable Biofuels Obligation Bill, US Securities and Exchange Commission's Proposed Rule for Climate-Related Disclosures, EU Gas Directive & Regulation, Low Carbon Fuels Strategy, Low Carbon Fuel Standards and Clean Fuels Program, Hydrogen Transport and Storage Infrastructure, Renewable Hydrogen Target for Electricity Generation, New Zealand Emission Trading Scheme regulations, EU Methane Regulation, Federal Regulation of Methane Emissions, Australian National Electric Vehicle Strategy, Climate Change Bill 2022, Inflation Reduction Act, Safeguard Mechanism Reform, UK Government Net Zero Review, UK Climate Compatibility Checkpoints, Draft Delegated Act for RFNBOs and RCFs, EU Renewable Energy Projects Permit-Granting Processes, Wind Energy Licensing and Infrastructure, Electric Vehicle Infrastructure, Grid Connections and Permitting for EV Charge Point Operators, CCUS in Illinois, CCUS in the UK, European Economic Recovery Plan, Virginia's RGGI, Washington State's Carbon Pricing, TCI, Methane Emissions Regulation, EU Methane Emissions Strategy, EU 2030 Climate Target, Illinois Clean Energy Legislation, CCUS in Tangguh LNG. 100
Lobbying Mechanism BP has disclosed both the specific lobbying mechanisms (responses to consultation papers) and the target entity (Australian government and Energy Security Board) 93
Policy Outcomes Sought BP has outlined the government policy outcomes it aims to achieve through its lobbying efforts, including incentive-based policies for EV uptake, decarbonizing electricity, supporting EV infrastructure, and policies to reduce emissions from existing vehicles. 94
Trade Association Lobbying Transparency
Area Transparency Score
Trade Association Influence BP has provided some detail on how it is trying to influence trade associations' policies, including engagement in meaningful discussions and efforts to broaden the range of climate policy positions. 89
Trade Association lobbying consistency BP has described its broad consistency with trade associations' policy lobbying positions and provided specific details on its consistency with 10 of its trade associations in its April 2023 'Our participation in trade associations: 2023 progress update'. However, some associations were assessed as partially aligned, indicating room for improvement in their lobbying position alignment on climate change. 75
Trade Association policy lobbying BP has evaluated its trade associations' lobbying positions of 10 trade associations and provided detailed assessments, including their positions on climate-related issues and specific policy areas. It, however, provided no such detail on 57 other trade associations it identified as being a member of that also lobby on climate-related issues. 67
Lobbying Governance
Area Transparency Score
Clear climate lobbying governance BP has published a detailed review of its trade association memberships and their positions on climate, which is considered best practice. Additionally, the company has a clear governance structure involving the Board's Safety & Sustainability Committee and management-level forums to oversee and align its policy and advocacy positions with its net zero ambition. 100
Disclosure Inconsistencies
Category Public Statement Inconsistency