Zurich Insurance Group

Lobbying Transparency

Overall Transparency Score: 68 (Aligned)

Direct Lobbying Transparency
Area Transparency Score
Direct Policy Lobbying Zurich Insurance Group has clearly specified the policies being lobbied, including the Updated Green Finance Strategy, Climate and Innovation Act, CO2 Act, National Flood Insurance Program, and various EU and UK climate adaptation and resilience policies. 93
Lobbying Mechanism Zurich Insurance Group has disclosed both the specific lobbying mechanisms (consultations, working groups, roundtables, and direct engagement) and the target entities (EU institutions, UK government, and various national and regional bodies). 100
Policy Outcomes Sought Zurich Insurance Group has outlined the government policy outcomes it aims to achieve through its lobbying efforts, such as supporting the Green Finance Strategy, advocating for the Climate and Innovation Act, and promoting flood resilience measures. 100
Trade Association Lobbying Transparency
Area Transparency Score
Trade Association Influence Zurich Insurance Group has provided some detail on how they are trying to influence a policy of the trade association, such as their engagement with ACLI and APCIA. They have also stated that they are not trying to influence the trade associations' lobbying positions in some cases, such as with Climate Action 100+ and the Geneva Association. 71
Trade Association lobbying consistency Zurich Insurance Group has described its broad consistency with the trade associations' policy lobbying positions and has provided specific details on its consistency with at least one trade association's lobbying position, such as the ABI and CCSA. 64
Trade Association policy lobbying Zurich Insurance Group has disclosed the trade associations they are part of and detailed at least one of the trade associations' lobbying positions. They have also disclosed at least one policy or legislative outcome the trade association sought to influence, such as the ABI's Climate Change Roadmap and the CCSA's work on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). 50
Lobbying Governance
Area Transparency Score
No Lobbying Governance Disclosed The company has not disclosed a lobbying governance process. The evidence provided only describes the company's climate strategy and actions, without any mention of lobbying governance or alignment processes. 0
Disclosure Inconsistencies
Category Public Statement Inconsistency