National Grid PLC

Lobbying Transparency

Overall Transparency Score: 69 (Aligned)

Direct Lobbying Transparency
Area Transparency Score
Direct Policy Lobbying National Grid PLC has clearly specified the policies being lobbied, including the clean heat standard in Massachusetts, North Sea Energy Co-operation Memorandum of Understanding, Adaptation Reporting Power - TCFD, EPA Proposed Regulations for New Source Performance Standards, and various state-level policies in the US. 92
Lobbying Mechanism National Grid PLC has disclosed specific lobbying mechanisms, including submitting comments, engaging with policymakers, and participating in coalitions and working groups. The target entities are clearly identified, such as the Massachusetts state legislature, UK government, and US federal agencies. 92
Policy Outcomes Sought National Grid PLC has outlined the government policy outcomes it aims to achieve through its lobbying efforts, such as the implementation of clean heat options, support for offshore wind targets, and the advancement of climate-related reporting and regulations. 99
Trade Association Lobbying Transparency
Area Transparency Score
Trade Association Influence National Grid has provided some detail on how they are trying to influence the policies of the trade associations, including their engagement with government, policy-makers, and regulators in the UK, EU, and US. However, there is no specific mention of the outcomes they sought from their engagement. 50
Trade Association lobbying consistency National Grid has described its broad consistency with the trade associations' policy lobbying positions and provided specific details on whether its positions are consistent with or differ from the trade association's positions. 90
Trade Association policy lobbying National Grid has conducted a comprehensive review of relevant trade associations and assessed their alignment with climate-related policy positions and commitments. They have provided full details on their findings and their process for managing partial alignment moving forward. 90
Lobbying Governance
Area Transparency Score
Limited Lobbying Governance The company has disclosed a limited governance process for climate lobbying alignment, focusing on internal governance processes for communication and messaging. However, there is no detailed information on the alignment of direct and indirect lobbying activities or the specific roles responsible for this alignment. 25
Some Lobbying Governance The company has disclosed that its Corporate Affairs team coordinates all communication relating to climate change policy and strategy, ensuring clear, coherent, and consistent messaging through internal governance processes. However, there is no specific mention of how it aligns its lobbying activities with trade associations or who is responsible for this alignment. 50
Some Lobbying Governance The company has disclosed that its Corporate Affairs team coordinates all communication relating to climate change policy and strategy, ensuring clear, coherent, and consistent messaging through internal governance processes. However, there is no specific mention of how it aligns its lobbying activities with trade associations or who is responsible for this alignment. 50
Some Lobbying Governance The company has disclosed that its Corporate Affairs team coordinates all communication relating to climate change policy and strategy, ensuring clear, coherent, and consistent messaging through internal governance processes. However, there is no specific mention of how it aligns its lobbying activities with trade associations or who is responsible for this alignment. 50
Disclosure Inconsistencies
Category Public Statement Inconsistency