Lobbying Transparency

Overall Transparency Score: 80 (Aligned)

Direct Lobbying Transparency
Area Transparency Score
Direct Policy Lobbying BHP has clearly specified the policies being lobbied, including mandatory reporting legislation, carbon pricing policies, national GHG emissions targets, and policies enabling reliable, affordable, and zero emissions power. 46
Lobbying Mechanism BHP has disclosed both the specific lobbying mechanisms (direct and indirect engagement, consultation processes, policy reviews) and the target entity (government officials in the countries where they operate). 48
Policy Outcomes Sought BHP has outlined the government policy outcomes it aims to achieve through its lobbying efforts, such as supporting mandatory climate-related financial disclosures, carbon pricing, and national GHG emissions targets aligned with the Paris Agreement. 51
Trade Association Lobbying Transparency
Area Transparency Score
Trade Association Influence BHP has detailed the outcomes they sought from their engagement with the ICA, including supporting the Paris Agreement and decarbonising copper mining. They have also described the mechanisms used to align their lobbying, such as commissioning research and collaborating with key stakeholders. 90
Trade Association lobbying consistency BHP has described its broad consistency with the ICA's policy lobbying positions, including specific details on their alignment with the Paris Agreement and the role of the copper industry in the low-carbon transition. 90
Trade Association policy lobbying BHP has provided a comprehensive disclosure of the International Copper Association's (ICA) lobbying efforts. They have detailed the ICA's support for the UNFCCC process, the Paris Agreement goals, and specific policy outcomes such as decarbonising copper mining and supporting the EU's climate ambitions for 2030 and 2050. 90
Lobbying Governance
Area Transparency Score
Strong Lobbying Governance BHP has published detailed industry association reviews in 2017, 2018, and 2019 to identify and address material differences in climate change policy. This demonstrates a comprehensive and transparent approach to aligning its lobbying activities with its climate commitments. 100
Disclosure Inconsistencies
Category Public Statement Inconsistency