
Transparency Scoring Frameworks

Below are details of our Direct Lobbying Transparency methodology. These methodological details represent how our underlying scoring is structured and what the instructions we are giving to our AI models look like. This information should be read in conjunction with our overview document, which explains the process for how this scoring is aggregated into its final form.

Direct Transparency Scoring:

Lobbying Mechanisms (LM): Whether the company has been transparent about the 'lobbying mechanisms' used to engage with policy and disclosed the 'target entity' the lobbying is designed to influence (EU, government, legislators, political parties). Lobbying mechanisms include meetings, letters, consultations and participation in groups or coalition activities.

Scoring Framework:

  • LM Score 2 - The company has disclosed both the specific lobbying mechanisms and the target entity.
  • LM Score 1 - The company has mentioned either the lobbying mechanisms or the target entity they are trying to influence.
  • LM Score 0 - Non-disclosure about the policy lobbying mechanism and the target entity.

Policy Lobbied (PLS): The company specifies the government policy, legislation, and initiative (henceforth: policy) being lobbied. This includes naming the specific government policy, or a clear reference to the specific policy area being lobbied through sufficiently descriptive text, like naming the geography, regulator, and year.

Scoring Framework:

  • PLS Score 2 - The company clearly specifies the policy being lobbied.
  • PLS Score 1 - The company's description of the policy is vague.Policy referred to, but not clearly named, or general reference to policy without specifics.
  • PLS Score 0 - No disclosure about the policy or legislation it has engaged with.

Outcomes Sought (OS): The company has outlined the government 'policy outcomes' it aims to achieve through its lobbying efforts. This includes new policy recommendations, amendments to legislation, and removal of regulation.

Scoring Framework:

  • OS Score 2 - The company has outlined the government policy outcomes it aims to achieve through its lobbying efforts.
  • OS Score 1 - The company provides some information about the government policy outcomes it is pursuing, but there is a lack of specifics about the policy and the specific outcome sought.
  • OS Score 0 - The company has not disclosed information about the policy outcomes sought.